Reflections about the movie I watched.



This video was I watching about THE FIRST 20 HOURS by Josh Kaufman on how to learn everything he shared they different experience in life. He shared about their experience when they become a parent. He said that all of your priority and goals are change. He also shared their experience and what did they found when he tries to figure out on how to learn quickly he search on the bookstore and internet he found out that if you want to learn a new or something you will take a 10,000hours before you learn or master them. Josh Kaufman said that 10,000 hours is not true. Because 20 hours is enough to them the things that we need to do is focus on practicing a what are they want to achieved or commit. He emphasized one by one on how to achieved what are they want and 20 hours will be enough. He discussed the five technique on how to learn quickly 1. Is the deconstruct the skill 2. Learn enough to self-correct 3. Remove practice barriers 4. Practice at least 20 hours. I learned on this video is all is possible those people are willing to achieved and pursue what are they goals in her life. This video makes me stronger and inspired that nothings possible particularly hoping almighty God that he can provide all what I need in our life because God is powerful.



My reflection regarding this video made by Ms. Ashley Clift about HAVE YOU MET YOUR SOULMATE she shared their experienced on how they meet their soulmate. He shares also their experienced on their relationships on the transgender woman. My reflection regarding this video is if you find your soulmate they have on big impact on your life like Ms. Ashley Clift what did they shared about her life even though his husband is a lesbian she still loves him. This movie they emphasized that if you love someone you can do want they want you know how to sacrificed, patience adjusts and so on because you love them. I believed in love is blind of Mr. William Shakespeare. Today I learn some tips on how to find my soulmate.



My reflection regarding this video of Ms. Wendy Troxel about WHY SCHOOL SHOULD STARYT LATER FOR TEEN. She shared about her friend. The way they friend on to wake up their sleeping teen she gets a cold water to wake up their teen on the bed. She said that sleep is one of the important that I need to sleep 8 to 10 hours sleep according to the science. Those people are not sleeping well or not enough sleep it can cause of illness, not functioning, moodiness, laziness, depression, this could product of chronic sleep of depuration. She said also when teen ager doesn’t get the sleep they need they brain, bodies, behavior will suffer both immediate and lasting effects they can’t concentrate. Ms. Wendy she shared their experience when she works of teens in L.A UNIVITES SCHOOLS DISTRICT she found that the teens have sleep problem they each hours lost sleep they feeling sad and hopeless. Now I know what are the causes of being hyper, losing my mind, stressed and so on because of not enough sleep. This video is lot of information particularly those people are not taking a sleep well example myself I admit sometimes when I have a load for internet I will spend a lot of time for watching YouTube chatting and so on. For this moment I will now limit and discipline myself particularly in sleeping. That’s all.